Minister Nagavci accompanied by the Peace Corps Director visited the University "Fehmi Agani" in Gjakova
On 4 th of November 2024, the Minister Arbërie Nagavci, accompanied by the Peace Corps Director Carolyne Siganda visited the University ‘’Fehmi Agani’’ in Gjakova, wherein they were welcomed by the Rector
Bunjaku, along with Vice -rectors and DCET Director-Didactic Center for Excellence in Teaching. Firstly, Rector Bunjaku wished a warm welcome to the University ‘’Fehmi Agani’’ in Gjakova to Minister Nagavci, and to the Director Carolyne Siganda. The discussions went on, informing them closely about the management’s dedication, aims, requirements and opportunities of further professional development for teachers in the UFAGJ.
At the same time, there were also discussed the opportunities of technical work and expertise in the field of education which MESTI can offer in coordination with the Peace Corps in Kosova for the DCET-Didactic Center for Excellence in Teaching. In this form, there will be created mechanisms which through professional trainings may be transmitted to the young and current pre-university teachers for the region of Gjakova and the municipalities around.
The visit was highly appreciated by the UFAGJ management for the manifold opportunities this new collaboration may bring in the future.