Nursing program at UGJFA, the best opportunity for professional and academic preparation

Nursing program at UGJFA, the best opportunity for professional and academic preparation

With the increase of life dynamism, Nursing has become one of the most important, most demanded and most humane professions, as it is focused on the care of individuals, families and communities.

The purpose of the Nursing program is to prepare graduates to fulfill the responsibilities of competent professionals and nurses by providing rehabilitation, promotional, curative and protective services. So, it means that the focus of the program is professional and focuses on the development and change of the nursing profession and the health system, a progress that is intended to be achieved through experience, development and research, which illuminates the current state of professional development, as well as increasing the need for development in relation to experiences in the profession and in the health care system.

Nursing at UGJFA is provided in cooperation with Regional Hospitals in several cities of Kosovo, MFMCs and FMCs. It is also worth noting that the program is harmonized with the rules of the European Union and offers opportunities for transfer and study abroad through the exchange program, as well as recognition of a diploma in Europe.

Future nurses will contribute on meeting public health objectives in the health care system and in the social system, and their specific domain includes caring for the elderly and treatment of patients and citizens. They are expected to collaborate with other healthcare professionals to provide health promotion, health maintenance, prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and relief for citizens.

Upon completion of the bachelor program in Nursing, the student is qualified to work as a nursing intern and enter into multidisciplinary collaboration. The program provides the student with a necessary argumentation in both theoretical and clinical aspects of nursing, in accordance with the general development of the society, in science and technology, as well as in requirements for nursing in the general population. General and specific nursing competencies are required in a development-based study environment, through: research and regular clinical departments.

The academic staff of this program is consisted of the best local professionals in this field, who through all the time inform the students about the professional challenges, as well as the best ways to face them.

All these elements make the Nursing program of the Faculty of Medicine at UGJFA to  have a different professional approach, as well as  its students more prepared and more acceptable in the labor market.
