Speech on the occasion of International Holocaust Remembrance Day

Speech on the occasion of International Holocaust Remembrance Day

Honorable participants, representatives of the Jewish community in Kosovo, students, professors, representatives of public and political life in Kosovo, representatives of Accredited Embassies in Kosovo, Kosovo Police, KFOR, spiritual and religious leaders, family martyrs of the nation.

 Allow me to greet you on behalf of UGJFA and welcome you to this event that our University is organizing for the first time, but will now be a traditional event commemorating International Holocaust Day. Today, Gjakova also joins the democratic world in commemoration of this day, which has special significance not only for the Jewish community, but for all mankind.

We, as a temple of knowledge, feel a moral and spiritual obligation to commemorate glory and upon it to build the future for generations to come. This day is the day of the restoration of mankind, of the flame of evil, and of humility for those who were sacrificed just because they were a different nation, just because they were chosen People, as the Bible says.

When we reflect on this human wickedness, we remember how it all began with a word, so that we, as a temple of speech and knowledge, have a divine duty to learn and translate words correctly and admit mistakes.

Through words a false confession was created for the Jews, through words the fear was conceived and then turned into hatred.

So from the words prejudice turned into stereotypes, and what once could not be imagined was turned into practice, a blind hatred against the Jews until justified extermination.

The Jewish people and our people have almost a common history from genesis to the present day.

The tendency to exterminate a nation that happened 75 years ago was repeated with my own nation, where the Serbian criminal regime wanted to exterminate the people of Kosovo, and Gjakova is an Auschwitz of last century's history. Hitler and Milosevic had the vision and the mission to wipe out the two people who are  as old as history itself.

I consider it necessary, and I would like to emphasize that Holocaust Remembrance Day is not only an opportunity to guard against anti-Semitism but an opportunity for deep reflection to understand what hatred entails.

Please come together and reflect on and think of a secure future in the world. There is no better place than here in Gjakova and the University to call for love and respect for diversity today.

The Albanian people, especially Gjakova, were the refuge of the Jews in wicked times during World War II and also Gjakova was the target of ethnic cleansing and cruel martyrdom, massive by Serbian forces, so I want Gjakova to be the site of a major turning point.

Eternal glory to all the victims of the Jewish and Albanian Holocaust over the years.


With respect,

Prof Ass Dr Artan Nimani- Rector

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