Tutoring Students Selection

Tutoring Students Selection

On 21.02.2024, the Coordinator of the Didactic Center for Excellence in Teaching, Prof Dr.Sindorela Doli- Kryeziu, accompanied with the Board of QDPM, Vice-rector for Teaching and student affairs, Proff. Ass. Dr. Dafine Kacuri, the Leader of the Quality Office Mr. Daut Islami, and the Representative of the Training Council Prof. Ass. Dr. Gentiana Muhaxhiri, invited for a meeting the Deans of four academic units, along with the tutoring Professors, to make the selection of the tutoringstudents based on the competition announced on 15.01.2024, based on the articles 4 and 20 of the Senate nr.04/177.

The students which applied had completed all the necessary criteria based on the competition, were voted and approved. In the meeting a new additional request was made, which was the number of the tutoring students to be filled for the subjects that remain vacant/unfulfilled.

The request for the re-announcement of the competition was voted until the date 27.02.2024.
