The University of Gjakova in two years is ranked 5 582 positions higher in WEBOMETRICS

The University of Gjakova in two years is ranked 5 582 positions higher in WEBOMETRICS

In the Webometrics ranking, the University "Fehmi Agani" in Gjakova has risen to position 17 710 which is 5 582 positions higher globally from 2019 until now. The ranking of universities in Webometrics is based on several criteria such as: scientific research, publications and the content and dissemination of information from electronic sources by higher education institutions.

Webometrics is the most comprehensive ranking list of higher education institutions, in which about 30 thousand universities from around the world are evaluated and is considered one of the most important rankings, because it follows the trends of transformation of higher education with the support of communication and information.










Webometrics confirms the commitment and activities of the staff and management of our university!

