University of Gjakova -beneficiary of a project from the Alliance of Francophone Universities (AUF COVID-19)

University of Gjakova -beneficiary of a project from the Alliance of Francophone Universities (AUF COVID-19)

The University of Gjakova "Fehmi Agani", as a member of the Alliance of Francophone Universities is the beneficiary of the project "Protection and prevention of the spread of COVID-19, as well as the psychological treatment of victims of domestic violence during COVID-19 pandemic (with special emphasis to the women of the 'Safe Houses' in Gjakova and Peja) ”.

This project aims at the psychological or emotional treatment of raped women, including their children during the COVID-19 pandemic, who are isolated in "Safe Houses" in Gjakova and Peja.

Direct beneficiaries of the project are women and children who are sheltered in two "Safe Houses", in the municipality of Gjakova and Peja, as well as the citizens of the municipality of Gjakova.

The University of Gjakova "Fehmi Agani" during the project implementation will carry out a series of activities, aimed at informing or advising these people.

The fulfillment of the project goals is reached by combining the professionalism of the teachers of the Faculty of Education and the Faculty of Medicine as well as the experience of the staff of the Medica-Kosova organization.
