The implementation of the QATEK project with Teachers of the Faculties of Education has started

The implementation of the QATEK project with Teachers of the Faculties of Education has started

The first meeting is held for the implementation of the project ‘Towards a quality-oriented system of primary education to increase the professionalism of teachers in Kosovo- QATEK’.

The meeting was led by Prof. Blerim Saqipi, project coordinator, from the Faculty of Education of the University of Prishtina ‘Hasan Prishtina’. Other participants were academic staff from the Faculty of Education in the University of Gjakova ‘Fehmi Agani’, the University of Gjilan and the University of Mitrovica.

From our University, the participant was the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs and Quality Improvement Prof. Vjollca Dibra, from the Faculty of Education, Vice Dean Prof. Ass. Dr. Laura Naka, and other teachers of this academic unit.

In this meeting, it was analyzed the initial situation in which the development of the project is found, some tasks were divided, but also the following activities were discussed.

The QATEK project is funded by the European Union's ERASMUS + program. In this project, UGJFA is a partner with the University of Prishtina, the University of Ljubljana, universities from Rome and Tallinn in Estonia.
