The University of Gjakova commemorates the Holocaust

The University of Gjakova commemorates the Holocaust

The International Holocaust Remembrance Day was held at the University of  Gjakova “Fehmi Agani”  under the auspices of the Rector Ass. Dr. Artan Nimani.

In a very solemn setting, accompanied by the classic sounds of the music school instrumentalists, the ceremony was opened by the Vice-Rector Prof. Dr. Vjollca Dibra, who thanked many guests from the central and local level, representatives of the police and state prosecution, public universities, accredited embassies in Kosovo, as well as UGJFA teachers and students.

In his speech, the Rector addressed those present with these words:


“Our university organizes it for the first time, but from now on it will be a traditional event commemorating the International Holocaust Day. Today, Gjakova also joins the democratic world in commemoration of this day, which has special meaning not only for the Jewish community but for all mankind. We, as a temple of knowledge, feel a moral and spiritual obligation to commemorate glory and upon it to build the future for generations to come. This day is the day of humanity's recovery, of victory over evil, and of humility for those who were sacrificed just because they were a different nation, just because they were chosen People, as the Bible says".

Unable to be physically present, the Israeli ambassador, Mr. Alona Fisher Kamm addressed those present via video link. She thanked the University and in particular Rector Nimani for the initiative and greatness of this ceremony.

Part of the program of this event was also the exhibition organized in cooperation with the representative of the Jewish Diplomatic Corps for Kosovo, Mr. Flori Zevi.

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