Memorial Academy for Professor and Poet Din Mehmeti

Memorial Academy for Professor and Poet Din Mehmeti


University of Gjakova "Fehmi Agani" in cooperation with Literary Club "John Nikole Kazazi" today held Memorial Academy for the 9th anniversary of the death and 90th anniversary of the birth of professor and poet Din Mehmeti.

Representatives of public universities, local institutions, deputies and family of the poet Din Mehmeti were present at this academy.

The academy was opened with the proclamation of Din Mehmeti's poetry verses by well-known actor Rrustem Latifaj. The participants were then greeted by the Rector of the University of Gjakova Prof.Ass.Dr. Artan Nimani who said that the name of the poet Din Mehmeti will remain in the mind of our nation as a unique ideologist, poet, professor and patriot but also as a Teacher of the wisdom of mankind. He pointed out that the poet's mission was so sublime for both students and scholars, reflecting the authenticity of the Albanian world, the stoic vision of the Albanian highlanders and towers, thus reflecting the path that is both glorious and bright for our generations.

Rector Nimani further explained that the Senate of Gjakova University has established the "Din Mehmeti" Award, as the highest award for literary creativity, award in the field of literary criticism and study, which will be traditional and each year it  will authors, who will follow the path of our venerable old man.

Papers by Albanian  scholars such as Professor Agim Vinca, writer Adem Gashi, professor Besim Muhadri and the president of literary club "John Nikole Kazazi" Muharrem Kurti were read in the academy.

In the end Rector Nimani on behalf of "Fehmi Agani" University awarded Postmortum to the poet and professor Din Mehmeti, with motivation: For extraordinary contribution in the field of poetry and education.

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