Pre-call for International Conference: “Active Ageing in a Developing Society: stakeholders, responsibilities and challenges”
of Gjakova “Fehmi Agani” organizes the International Conference entitled
“Active Ageing in a Developing Society – stakeholders, responsibilities and
challenges”, as a project funded by HERAS (Higher Education Research and
Applied Sciences).
The main aim of this conference is to promote the phenomenon of healthy ageing, by emphasizing and empowering the role of different stakeholders in the process of dealing with older people in a developing country like Kosovo.
Academic community including teachers, researchers and students, health care experts together with health-care providing institutions are expected to be the front runners towards whom this conference is aimed at.
The official call for abstract submissions together with abstract details will be opened from the 01st of May to 30th of June 2019, whereas the conference will be held on the 13th of September 2019.