Cleaning activity in the foreseen location for the construction of the university campus in Gjakova

Cleaning activity in the foreseen location for the construction of the university campus in Gjakova

The University of Gjakova "Fehmi Agani", today in the framework of the campaign for cleaning of Kosovo, has organized and realized a cleaning activity at the location foreseen for the construction of the university campus in Gjakova.

Field clearance started at 10.00 am and was attended by Rector of UGJFA Prof. Dr. Shaban Buza, Vice-rector Prof. Ass. Dr. Behxhet Gaxhiqi, General Secretary Linda Dula Halilabazi, professors, students and administration officials as well from employees of "Çabrati" company who helped with their equipment (containers, trucks, shovels).

Then some of the students continued cleaning the courtyard of the Faculty of Education and the Faculty of Philology.

Also present were Samir Sylmeta, Waste Management Officer from Gjakova Municipality, Eranda Kumnova and Leonora Kulludra from NGO "Kosovo Women's Initiative" which are part of the "Let's do it Kosovo" campaign.

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