Call for free training in the development of professional skills

Call for free training in the development of professional skills

The project "Time of Powerful Women"

Non-Governmental Organisation ‘Medica Gjakova’, with the support from the German Government through GIZ Kosovo, announces the call for free training in the framework of the "Time of Powerful Women" Program. These trainings aim to increase women's participation in the labor market and promote their economic empowerment.


Trainings will be offered on the following topics:

  • Social entrepreneurship
  • Marketing, Online Sales and Services and Branding



The main purpose of the project is to improve women's socio-economic conditions through increasing employment opportunities for surviving women (including female family members) of SGBV, marginalized youth and returnees in the western Part of Kosovo (the Dukagjini region).

The objective is to create employment and self-employment opportunities in the field of tailoring, catering, for women survivors (women family members), youth and returnees of SGBV, providing professional training and online training for Social Entrepreneurship, marketing, sales and branding. Entrepreneurship training, benefiting incomes through the store ‘Medica Gjakova’ and related activities, which will help participants in developing their own capacities.


Our principle is "Empower women and leave no one behind."

Empowerment of women survivors of SGBV or their family members will be addressed in two sectors:

  1. Enhance knowledge, skills and employment support in the field of tailoring, culinary and training for Social Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Online Sales and Services and Branding.
  2. Psychosocial/career counseling and medical care at individual and/or group level to support their integration into the labour market for women's property rights when starting a business or self-employed.

The project contributes to the stabilization of communities in Dukagjini region and a sustainable reintegration of people who return from an European country or the region.





First Step:

Interested participants can apply by sending the filled form of application to: [email protected] or [email protected], or they can go to ‘Medica Gjakova’ offices in Gjakova for application.


Second Step:

Medica Gjakova will evaluate all applications based on the following criteria:

All young people without distinction, ranging from age 18 to 29; These young people should be willing to travel and follow the entire training program.

There are 30 vacancies in total, and minorities and repatriations are encouraged to apply as well.


Third Step:

After evaluating applications, all candidates qualified to participate in training will be announced on time.

All young people aged 18-29 who will participate in the training and attend regularly will be provided with a certificate after completing the training.

The trainings will be implemented based on the practical and theoretical model and will provide good opportunities in expanding the skills for all participants.



All young people of the Kosovo region aged 18 to 29! The call for application is open until 22.05.2024.



The trainings are organized within the project "Time of Powerful Women" and are offered for free to all participants.



For more information you can contact us:

Medica Gjakova - MGJ

St. Fadil Nimani No. 34, 50000 in Gjakova

email: [email protected]

 [email protected]

facebook: Medica Gjakova

Tel: +383 (0) 390 326 812

Mob: +383 (0)44 432 742

Formulari / The form
