Prof. Asoc. Dr. Antigona Ukëhaxhaj the representative of UFAGJ in Vienna for the project “Nanoparticles in Environment and Medical Research”

Prof. Asoc. Dr. Antigona Ukëhaxhaj the representative of UFAGJ in Vienna for the project “Nanoparticles in Environment and Medical Research”

The Professor of the Faculty of Medicine Prof. Asoc. Dr. Antigona Ukëhaxhaj, from the dates 21– 26.04. 2024, will represent the Faculty of Medicine/ University “Fehmi Agani” in Gjakova, in Vienna.

She is/has been invited invited to the University of Vienna/Faculty of Medicine Institute of Public Health in Vienna regarding the internship (mobility) of the project “Nanoparticles in Environment and Medical Research” (project code 92161). The mobility is financed by the European Committee, through the office of EU– Kosovo - IPA Founding, within the call "Increase Research Capacities in Kosovo", also implemented by the Kings College London (Leader), within the close partnership with the University of Prishtina "Hasan Prishtina”, the University of Milan and the University of Parma.

Since the Professor is a specialist of/in the field, the purpose of the visit is to exchange the ideas and plans regarding the joint activities related to the investigation of Nanoparticles in the Environment and Medical Research.


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