The SUSWELL project's final meeting at the University "Fehmi Agani" in Gjakova
On November 8, 2023, the dissemination meeting of the Erasmus+ funded project SUSWELL was held at the University "Fehmi Agani" in Gjakova. Experts from European partner universities, such as the University ESSA (Lisbon, Portugal), the University of Applied Sciences Hanze (Groningen, Netherlands), the University of Applied Sciences Metropolia (Helsinki, Finland), and the University of Applied Sciences Artevelde (Ghent, Belgium), participated in this meeting, along with local partners like Heimerer College and Medica Kosovo.
During this meeting, the ongoing achievements of CoP Gjakova were presented, including the developed syllabuses that are gradually being integrated into the curricula of existing programs at the Faculty of Medicine of UFAGJ.
The Rector of the University "Fehmi Agani" Prof. Ass. Dr. Drilon Bunjaku commended all international partners and local collaborators for their work within the framework of cooperation through the SUSWELL project. At the same time, the Vice-Rectors Prof. Ass. Dr. Nazli Tyfekçi and Prof. Ass. Dr. Arben Boshnjaku, they expressed the management's and academic staff's readiness for the continuation and expansion of our collaborations in the future through joint applications in international projects.
Students from the programs involved in the piloting of subjects, such as physiotherapy, nursing, and healthcare management, also participated in the meeting.