In the run-up to regular meetings with the SUSWELL project, the next meeting is held in virtual terms
In virtual terms with the SUSWELL project, the next meeting was held. During this meeting, the topic of interprofessional work, the division of multiprofessional tasks and the integration of interprofessional tasks became the subject.
During the meeting participants were divided into mixed groups, in order to distribute different experiences of work at universities and their functioning, as well as to be known for their relatives, namely to be acquainted with working cultures and the variety of providing branches from the respective universities for study, each time interconnecting theory with practice.
Representatives at the meeting from the University of Fehmi Agani in Kukes from the academic staff were: Prof. Asoc. Dr. Dardan Kocinaj and Ass. Bosniak MSc, Ma, PhD when., while from the Office for Foreign Relations were: Mr. Denis Spahija, the Head of the Office for Foreign Relations and Projects and Mrs. Rolanda Mula, Project Management Consultant.
The next meeting will be held on the 23rd of April 2021.