Meeting between Caritas Kosovo and the University of Gjakova "Fehmi Agani"

Meeting between Caritas Kosovo and the University of Gjakova "Fehmi Agani"

The Rector of the University of Gjakova "Fehmi Agani", Artan Nimani together with the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Vjollca Dibra met with representatives of CARITAS Kosova, Mr. Mark Buzhala and Mr. Dritan Shala, PRAXIS project coordinator.

Mr. Buzhala, informed Rector Nimani that PRAXIS is a cross-border project funded by the European Union - IPA programs and the project implementation area in Kosovo is in the municipalities of Gjakova and Klina.

According to Mr. Buzhala, the PRAXIS Project made possible the use of theoretical knowledge in youth practice, in order to fill the gap between them and the labor market, therefore PRAXIS focus on the practical dimension is a response to the high level of youth unemployment in Kosovo.

They assured Rector Nimani that through this project the students of the University of Gjakova will provide the necessary information for better decision making for professional orientation, and provide students with practical work after graduation.

Rector Nimani, said that Practice and Education are concrete support that enables students of our university to be more competitive in the labor market. He promised correct and continuous cooperation and thanked them for the opportunities they will offer to our students.

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