UGJFA participates in the round table in Korça

UGJFA participates in the round table in Korça

From 27 to 29 in Korça is staying a delegation of UGJFA composed of Rector Prof. Ass. Dr. Artan Nimani, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs and Quality Enhancement Prof. Ass. Dr. Vjollca Dibra, member of the Board of Directors Ass. Kushtrim Grezda and foreign relations officer Denis Spahija.

This roundtable is held within the QUADIC project, which aims to ensure the improvement of higher education in Kosovo and Albania, by building institutional capacity for international relations and is funded by ERASAMUS +.

In this round table are treated topics such as: analysis of the current situation regarding the Project Writing Capacities in partner HEIs, the situation regarding quality in international relations, internal and external quality assurance, challenges and prospects in higher education of Kosovo and Albania as well as the steps that need to be taken in order to improve this situation.

Members of this roundtable are the representatives of the Ministries of Education in Kosovo and Albania, as well as the participating universities of the QUADIC project, such as: "Kadri Zeka" University, which is also the coordinator of the project, "International Business College Mitrovica", University of Gjakova. Fehmi Agani ”, University“ Ukshin Hoti ”, University of Prishtina“ Hasan Prishtina ”, University“ Cote D'Azur ”, Technical University of Sofia, Medical University in Tirana, University of Ljubljana, Heimerer College, University“ Haxhi Zeka ”, “Aleksandër Moisiu” University, Mitrovica University “Isa Boletini”, European University of Tirana, UBT College, “Fan Noli” University, Gjirokastra University “Eqrem Çabej”, University for Foreigners of Perugia, as well as the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology in Kosovo.

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