Telegram of condolences

Telegram of condolences

Dear Rexhepi family and Tolaj family!

The news of the death of Dr. Sylejman Rexhepi and Dr. Ali Tolaj has saddened us all, so allow me on behalf of myself and the University of Gjakova "Fehmi Agani", to express my sincere condolences!

Contributions of Dr. Ali Tolaj and Dr. Sylejman Rexhepi were precious, they were honest people. They closed their eyes forever to leave us a legacy, the example of dedicated doctors. The loss of Dr. Tolaj and Dr. Rexhepi will leave a permanent gap in Kosovar medicine, but their name will always remain engraved in the history of health personnel !

Despite the tremendous efforts of the health staff for their colleagues, they unfortunately lost the battle against the COVID-19 virus!

Condolences to all the families, friends and colleagues!

With respect,

Artan Nimani

Rector of the University of Gjakova "Fehmi Agani"
