The University Sapienza of Rome invites Students of the University ‘’Fehmi Agani’’ for Semester Exchange 2024/2025
The University Sapienza of Rome invites all interested students of the University ‘’Fehmi Agani’’ in Gjakova for student semester exchange, in order to open them pathways towards the intercultural development, education and diversity.
Below you can find our timetable regarding your students’ application at our University for the next summer semester of the academic year 2024-2025.
Method of application:
- The interested should visit the Office for International Cooperation at the Rectorate.
- The last deadline for sending the nominated is October 15, 2024.
- Frpm October 16 and onwards, the University of Sapienza will send the students an automatic email from their own database-asking them to complete an application form online.Students are asked to complete their application online (including uploaded documents) until October 31, 2024.
- After that students will be informed about the final exam, and a necessary invitation letter for visa application will be sent to them from December 1, and not longer than December 20.
The academic offer is available in: https://corsidilaurea.uniroma1.it/en
For every other additional information regarding students exchange at the University of Sapienza, you can find our updated letter of data in the following link: https://www.uniroma1.it/sites/default/files/field_file_allegati/factsheet_24-25_0.pdf
Information regarding the program is also available in this link: https://www.uniroma1.it/en/pagina/bilateral-agreements-student-mobility-non-eu
The candidates will be evaluated by the Board of the Faculty of the University of Sapienza of Rome, and the final decision will be sent.