Call for applications aimed at mobility in Italian universities of the COMMO VII - ERASMUS + KA171
We inform you that the call for mobility grants aimed at Italian universities and those of partner countries European Program COMMO VII - ERA S MUS + KA171 has already been opened (Project no. 2022-1-IT02-KA171-HED-000077240).
University "Fehmi Agani" in Gjakova, as the only participant from Kosovo, part of the COMMO consortium within UNIMED, calls for its students to apply for mobility in Italian universities for the academic year 2024/2025.
The Italian universities that UFAG benefits from mobility exchanges are as follows:
● University of Salento:
- 1 study mobility (SMS);
● University of Teramo:
- 1 study mobility (SMS);
● International University of Rome:
- 1 study mobility (SMS);
● University of Siena
- 1 study mobility (SMS);
● University of Padua
- 1 study mobility (SMS);
For more information about the UNIMED call, see this link .
For more about the COMMO project, see this link .
For more details, see the call available here .
The deadline for application is until March 1, 2024 .