Two-day Training on ‘’Advanced Teaching Methods’’

Two-day Training on ‘’Advanced Teaching Methods’’

Today, on 18.3.2022, in Prevalle, the official opening of the two-day training on the topic "Advanced teaching methods" was held within the framework of the cooperation of the University "Fehmi Agani", Gjakova and HERAS plus with the Didactic Center for Excellence in teaching.

The opening of the training was done by Prof. Nor. Dr. Artan Nimani, Rector of the University "Fehmi Agani" in Gjakova and Mr. Nehat Dervishi, Thematic Coordinator for higher education, HERAS+ Project.

Within this training led by prof. dr. Naser Zabeli, a number of topics are being elaborated that have the quality of teaching at their center.

The workings of this training, in which teachers from the Faculty of Philology, the Faculty of Education and the Faculty of Medicine are participating, will last two days.
