University "Fehmi Agani" shared gratitude for evaluating the performance of the academic staff

University "Fehmi Agani" shared gratitude for evaluating the performance of the academic staff

Based on Article 28 of the Statute of "Fehmi Agani" University in Gjakova, in the Regulation of Quality Assurance and Evaluation, as well as the Manual for the Evaluation of Performance, Quality and Curriculum, the Office for Quality Assurance and the Central Commission for Quality Assurance based on of the academic staff performance report selects the best teachers.

On this occasion, Rector Prof.Assoc.Dr. Artan Nimani gave thanks to the most appreciated professors and assistants, at the proposal of the Quality Office. Rector Nimani, I thank the staff for their contribution to science.

Participants were also the Vice-Rector for Academic Development and Quality Improvement Prof. ass. dr. Laura Naka, and Daut Islami, Head of the Office for Quality Assurance.

The Office for Quality Assurance and the Central Commission for Quality Assurance, on the basis of the report on the performance of the academic staff for the academic year 2021, has extracted the following results of the best teachers and assistants from the performance of: Student evaluation, Intercollegiate evaluation, Scientific publications and participation in conferences, Contribution to the university and contribution to society.


   Faculty of Philology:

Nazli Tyfekçi

Yllka Imeri

   Faculty of Education:

Behxhet Gadzhiqi

Dear Morina

       Faculty of Medicine:

Hajrullah Latifi

Arben the Bosnian
