Invitation to participate in the Summer School "Advances in Medical Materials" at the Technical University of Riga (Latvia) and the University of Bergamo (Italy)
We invite you to join the Summer School "Nonlinear Life", taking place July on the dates 26-29, 2021, jointly organized by the University of Bergamo (Italy) and the Technical University of Riga (Latvia).
Professors from the Netherlands, Great Britain, Serbia, Turkey, Italy and Latvia, as well as practitioners from the biomedical sector (firms, laboratories, rehabilitation facilities) will give lectures on "Advances in Medical Materials".
A certificate of participation and 3 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) credits will be awarded upon completion of the program.
The Summer School is opened to BSc, MSc and PhD students with experience in medicine, engineering, life sciences and will focus on developments and new properties of metallic, polymeric, ceramic, composite and nanostructured biomaterials.
All information about the Summer School can be found at the following link: www.unibg.it/nonlinearlife
Fee for the application is 100 EUR
The application deadline is the 10th of July, 2021.
If you have any questions, feel free to email: [email protected].
Applicants will be notified of admission to the Summer School within one week from the day of application and will continue with the payment of the participation fee until July 20, 2021. No payment is required at the time of application.