Applications to the Hubert H. Humphrey Program for the 2022-2023 academic year are opened
We would like to inform you that the Hubert H. Humphrey 2022/23 program is now opened for applications.
On behalf of the US Embassy in Kosovo, we would like to share with you the wonderful news regarding the Hubert H. Humphrey Scholarship Program and the fact that the Hubert H. Humphrey Program is now open for applications for the 2022-2023 academic year.
The Hubert H. Humphrey Scholarship Program is a Fulbright program through which professionals achieved in the middle of their professional careers, with demonstrated leadership potential, go to the United States for one year of study. During this period, they will attend an academic course of non-degree, university level as well as professional development activities. By providing opportunities for future leaders and policymakers to gain experience in American society and culture, as well as in a variety of professional fields, the program also provides the basis for long-term and productive relationships between Americans and their counterparts abroad. Scholars are selected based on their leadership potential and commitment to public service.
Applications can be found at: https://apply.iie.org/huberthhumphrey, and the deadline for applications is the 1st of August, 2021.
General information about the Humphrey program can be found at: https://www.humphreyfellowship.org while detailed information about the program components, areas of study, basic requirements and qualification criteria can be found at: The Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program | U.S. Embassy in Kosovo (usembassy.gov).
For additional information about the program, please contact: Nora Nimani-Musa: [email protected]