Training "Open Badges' Transcultural Platform (TOBP) for transitional mentoring of migrants in family care"

Training "Open Badges' Transcultural Platform (TOBP) for transitional mentoring of migrants in family care"

On the 18th of May, 2021, the training 'Open Badges' Transcultural Platform (TOBP) for transitional mentoring of migrants in family care was organized, by Heimerer College and supported by Erasmus +.

Part of the training from the University "Fehmi Agani" in Gjakova were the Head of the Office for Foreign Relations Mr. Denis Spahija, Career Development Officer Mrs. Freskina Mula, Project Management Consultant, Ms. Rolanda Mula, as well as the Consultant for Protocol and Information, Mr. Ardit Halilaj.

The participants were thanked by the organizers, as well as the presenter Mrs. Katerina Sidiropulu Janku, for cooperation, which she described as extremely successful.

The TOBP project is funded by Erasmus + and implemented by Heimerer College together with international partners.

The aim of the TOBP project is to minimize the transition barriers that migrants face, especially those in transition situations, starting their family life after arriving in a new country.

Participants were different professionals (nurses, health care professionals and social workers) and horizons (different organizations, educational institutions).

The training enables participants to better understand their newly acquired transition mentoring skills as well as advance in their area of ​​work with migrants.

After completing the training, participants were provided with an Open Badge Certificate, the first of its kind in Kosovo.

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