The University "Fehmi Agani" in Gjakova is represented at the ECLSS12 Conference in Turkey
The University ‘’Fehmi Agani’’ in Gjakova was represented at the ECLSS12 Conference in Turkey, whichwas held from the 25 th to 27 th of October. UFAGJ has already a tradition of collaboration with the organizers
from ‘’Cyprus Science University’’, simultaneously being one of the co-organizing institutions of this event.
Vice-rector Boshnjaku, represented our institution in the opening ceremony and the thematic organized planned sessions. Along with the participants of other institutions, he discussed the opportunities of new collaborations in the scientific and professional research. Organizers agreed to continue with the productive collaboration and to look forward for the opportunities of exchanging the scientific and professional experiences, as well as the inclusion of partners in the mutual research groups.
Likewise, at the conference were presented new findings in the form of the case study, titled: ‘’Integration of subject: ‘’Digital Writing-Reading in Healthcare’’, in the curriculums of the Health Applied
Sciences, as a product of the SUSWELL Project, financed by ERASMUS+.