The University "Fehmi Agani" in Gjakova Hosts the Working Group of Western Kosovo Universities for Sustainable Tourism Development

The University "Fehmi Agani" in Gjakova Hosts the Working Group of Western Kosovo Universities for Sustainable Tourism Development

On April 30, 2024 - University "Fehmi Agani" in Gjakova hosted an important meeting that aimed at fostering cooperation between universities and municipalities in Western Kosovo. The event, titled ‘’The Working Group of Western Kosovo Universities’’, was initiated by the Regional Command of Western Kosovo Forces under the leadership of Commander Alessandro Giampietro.

The main objective of the workshop was to draft a "Memorandum of Understanding" (MoU), outlining collaborative efforts between interested parties, including universities and municipalities, to promote sustainable tourism development in the region. Representatives from three universities in the area participated, contributing their knowledge and expertise to the drafting process.

The Vice-Rector for International Cooperation and Projects, Nazli Tyfekçi, represented the University "Fehmi Agani" in Gjakova, accompanied by the official of this office, Freskina Mula Ermeni. In the Memorandum of Understanding, Tyfekçi welcomed the responsibilities bestowed upon her university, strengthening its commitment to collaborative efforts.

Also participating in the workshop were delegates from the University of Peja 'Haxhi Zeka', where the Vice-Rector for Teaching, Student Affairs, and Scientific Research, Alma Shehu, made a significant contribution. Likewise, the University 'Ukshin Hoti' in Prizren was represented by the Vice-Rector for International Cooperation and Quality Enhancement, Serdan Kervan, who also contributed to the final draft of the agreement.

The involvement of these esteemed institutions marks a significant step towards enhancing cooperation within the higher education sector of Western Kosovo, particularly in the field of sustainable tourism development. Apart from the academy, the working group was enriched by the presence of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) such as Celim and RTM.

The Working Group of Western Kosovo Universities emphasizes the importance of partnership and collective action in addressing regional challenges and advancing common goals. Through continuous cooperation and dialogue, participating institutions and municipalities are expected to take meaningful steps in promoting sustainable tourism and fostering socio-economic development in Western Kosovo.

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