UFAGJ marks International Holocaust Remembrance Day

UFAGJ marks International Holocaust Remembrance Day

Fehmi Agani University in Gjakova marks the International Holocaust Remembrance Day, which this year is dedicated to the Austrian-Jewish albanologist Norbert Jokl, organized by the Kosovo Jewish Organization (KJO) and the Institute for the Spiritual and Cultural Heritage of Albanians in Skopje .

Rector of the University "Fehmi Agani" in Gjakova, Prof. Ass. Dr. Artan Nimani, greeted the participants and said that “this event has already become a tradition for the university, paying special attention to the commemoration of this day not only for the Jewish community, but for all mankind, this event is incomparable in horror and pain, feeling a moral and spiritual obligation, remembrance and glory upon it ” At the same time, he stressed the important role of Albanians in rescuing Jews, who in their families have sheltered many Jews who had fled from other countries, or lived in Kosovo and Albania.

The event was attended by diplomatic representatives, representatives of local institutions in Gjakova, representatives of religious communities, scholars, professors and students. Meanwhile, the Israel Ambassador to Macedonia, Dan Oryan, through a video message greeted and thanked for the organization, explaining the role, importance and values ​​of the Holocaust commemoration.

The participants listened to the speeches for the Austrian-Jewish albanologist Norbert Jokl, by Prof. Dr. Anton N. Berisha from the University of Calabria and Prof. Dr. Skender Asani from the Institute for Cultural Heritage of Albanians, from Skopje.

The event was followed by an orchestral performance under the direction of Prof. Kastriot Sada.

Finally, the University "Fehmi Agani" in Gjakova awarded certificates to training participants for gaining knowledge about the Holocaust.

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