The Meeting of the Committee for the Supervision of the Strategic Plan 2021-2025 of the UFAGJ was held

The Meeting of the Committee for the Supervision of the Strategic Plan 2021-2025 of the UFAGJ was held

The committee for the supervision of the strategic plan 2021-2025, in regards to the University ‘’Fehmi Agani’’ in Gjakova held the consolatory meeting under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Behxhet Gaxhiqi.

In regards to this meeting, it was discussed: the modality of implementing the strategy of the UFAGJ for the years 2021-2025, the presentation of the achievements and challenges during this period, the strategic plans of the academic units of the University, which were presented by the deans of the academic units, as well as the presentation of the strategic plan process-the medium-term evaluation.

Part of the meeting were: Prof. Dr. Behxhet Gaxhiqi, head of the meeting, The Rector of the UFAGJ Prof. Ass.Dr.Drilon Bunjaku, Vice-rector for Teaching and Student Affairs Prof. Ass. Dr. Dafine Kacuqi, deans of the academic units: Prof. Asoc.Dr. Ilmi Hoxha, Prof.Dr. Haxhi Kamberi, Prof. Asoc. Dr. Labinot Berisha (online) and Prof. Ass. Dr. Ferdi Kamberi, students’ representative and the administration representative, Arianit Kupa.

This meeting took place as a series of meetings which the Committee for the Supervision of Strategic Plan will hold in periodical basis, with the purpose of monitoring the implementation of the plan and the recommendations for medium-term orientations of the University ‘’Fehmi Agani’’ in Gjakova.
