The 12th Eurasian Conference on Languages and Social Sciences (ECLSS 2021b) is taking place in Ekaterinburg, Russia in cooperation with Yader, Fehmi Agani University and the international consortium of ECLSS

The 12th Eurasian Conference on Languages and Social Sciences (ECLSS 2021b) is taking place in Ekaterinburg, Russia in cooperation with Yader, Fehmi Agani University and the international consortium of ECLSS

On the 18th-19th of June, 2021, the 12th Eurasian Conference on Languages ​​and Social Sciences (ECLSS 2021b) is taking place in Yekaterinburg, Russia, in cooperation with Yader, Fehmi Agani University in Gjakova and the international consortium of ECLSS.

The conference is attended by more than 125 research papers from 16 different countries of the world, which were presented on June 18, and which will continue on June 19 in two different session rooms.

"Fehmi Agani" University in Gjakova expresses its satisfaction that this conference, hosted this time by the Ural Federal University in Russia, attracted so many scientists and researchers, where participants had the opportunity to hear their precious scientific research.

ECLSS is an international academic conference covering the major areas of the social sciences. ECLSS's mission is to provide a platform for researchers, academics and other professionals from around the world to present their research results in the Social Sciences. This conference also offers excellent opportunities for participants to share new ideas, expertise and experiences, to establish business or research relationships as well as to find partners for future collaboration.

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