University of Gjakova part of the workshop within ResearchCult

University of Gjakova part of the workshop within ResearchCult

On October 6 and 7, staff members of the University of Gjakova are participating in the workshop "University Guidelines for Research Support Services and Strategic Research Plans", which is being held online as part of the project "Improving the research culture in high education of Kosovo ”. This workshop was organized by Sapienza University in Rome and IBCM as the project coordinator, with the support of the University of Zagreb and the University of National and World Economics from Bulgaria.

The activity of this workshop is the support of Kosovo universities to develop regulations for the establishment and functioning of university research offices.

Part of it are: Partners from Kosovo: International College of Business Mitrovica - Coordinator, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, University of Prishtina "Hasan Prishtina", University "Haxhi Zeka", Peja, University of Applied Sciences, Ferizaj, University of Prizren "Ukshin Hoti", University of Mitrovica "Isa Boletini", University of Gjilan "Kadri Zeka", University of Gjakova "Fehmi Agani", Institute for Research, Education and Social Development - IREDS. Partners from EU countries: Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, University of Zagreb, Croatia, University of National and World Economics, Bulgaria.

