The University Of Gjakova And The Kosovo Red Cross in joint humanitarian initiatives

The University Of Gjakova And The Kosovo Red Cross in joint humanitarian initiatives

On the 22nd of the December, in the premises of the University "Fehmi Agani" of Gjakova, Rector Nimani accompanied by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs and Quality Enhancement Prof. Ass. Vjollca Dibra and the foreign relations officer Mr. Denis Spahija, received in a meeting the representatives of the Kosovo Red Cross - Gjakova Mrs. Fllanza Bakija Lama - General Secretary, Vice President of the branch in Gjakova Dr. Sc. Migena Arllati and Florentina Berisha, president of the Red Cross volunteers - Gjakova.

This meeting comes because many of the students like the case of Florentina who is also a Senator of the Student Parliament in University “Fehmi Agani” of Gjakova are among the biggest contributors to the activities of the Red Cross – Gjakova, which is also the most active branch throughout Kosovo.

Rector Nimani expressed readiness to be collaborators as an institution, but also mentioned many of the activities that have been undertaken by the University “Fehmi Agani” of Gjakova for the good and well-being of the inhabitants of the Dukagjini plain.

Mrs. Fllanza Bakija Lama thanked and expressed her readiness to develop this cooperation at even higher levels and on this occasion signed a memorandum of cooperation and discussed ideas and harmonized calendars for future joint activities.

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