Quality Assurance Office
Office for quality assurance is an independent structure supervised by the Senate Commision and reports to the Vice-Rector for Academic issues.
The principles in which quality assurance is based, have to do with the involvement of all parts of interest inside and outside the institution. Principles of work are:
- Assurance and advancement of quality that is part of the university’s strategy to offer a high level teaching, learning and research.
- Quality assurance is conprehensiv
- Quality assurance includes all parts of interest inside and outside the university.
- Quality assurance is designed to complement the internal and external approval as well as the accreditation proces.
- The practices of quality assurance should be documented, monitored, revised and undergo the evaluation proces.
- Quality assurance is designed to increase the institutional and public credibility in academic standards of the institution.
- Quality assurance is a proces that is fascilitated and supported by the managing structures of intsitution.
Kaltrina Duraku