Documents - Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance Activity Plan 2023 - 2024

Manual on evaluation of performance 2023

Quality Assurance Activity Plan 2022 - 2023

Quality Assurance Activity Plan 2021 - 2022

Quality Assurance Activity Plan

Regulation on Quality Assurance and Evaluation in University of Gjakova "Fehmi Agani"

Standards of internal quality assurance for the University of Gjakova “Fehmi Agani”

Manual on key performance indicators for study program

Decision for approved the document on Standards on Internal Quality Assurance

Decision on the establishment of the Commission for Drafting the Strategic Plan for Quality Assurance in UGJFA

Decision on the establishment of the Office for Quality Assurance at UGJFA

Decision approving the Summary Report of the Central Quality Assurance Commission of UFAGJ, for year 2019/2020 

ECTS and the Bologna system




Questionnaire for bachelor degree students - Template A

Questionnaire for bachelor degree students - Template B

Questionnaire for bachelor degree students - Template C

Questionnaire for bachelor degree students - Template D

The questionnaire for students of bachelor and master studies - QATEK (E)

The questionnaire for student of bachelor and master studies – reviewed model by students (F)

The questionnaire for student of bachelor and master studies – reviewed model by CCQA (G)

Questionnaire for students of bachelor and master studies - exercise evaluation (H)

Self assasment form for professors and assistants of UGJFA

Questionnaire for the academic staff (teachers’)  self-evaluation

Assessment Report by the Dean - A

Assessment Report by the Dean - B

Evaluation report for Scientific pubication

Questionnaire for inter-collegial evaluation

Assessment report on university contribution and contribution to society

Questionnaire for employer

Questionnaire for graduate students - Alumni

Questionnaire for the evaluation of the mentoring process of the diploma topic by students

Form for students during the graduation process 2019

Form for evaluation of administration by students

Questionnaire for university administrative and support staff


