Publishing House

The Publishing House of the University of Gjakova "Fehmi Agani" develops its activity as a unit within the University of Gjakova "Fehmi Agani", established by the decision of the Governing Council.

The Publishing House has the office for the development of the publishing activity within the  

University of Gjakova "Fehmi Agani".

The activity of  Publishing House of the University of Gjakova "Fehmi Agani", includes the 

publication of works, proposed by the Faculty Council and the publication of the University 

scientific journal.

The publications include the works that are foreseen in the work program and the activity of the 

academic units.

Special editions include monographs, summaries of conference papers, roundtables, and other 

scientific and artistic activities.

Proposals for the publication are submitted to the academic units (after completing the necessary procedures) to the Publishing Council, which then forwards them to the Senate. The Board of 

Directors approves the publication costs after approval by the Senate.

The publishing plan approved by the Council of the Faculty of Academic Units is submitted to the Publishing Council by the end of June of the previous year.

The Publishing House of the University of Gjakova "Fehmi Agani", after the evaluation of the 

academic units, publishes scientific and artistic works of its authors / professors and external 


a) Publishes University texts;

b) Works of art from literature, music and visual arts;

c) Scientific and artistic monograph;

d) Summary of papers from scientific and artistic activities

e) University scientific journals and academic units, bulletins, yearbooks and special 


f) Summary of project results and scientific research

The Publishing House of the University of Gjakova "Fehmi Agani" realizes publications that arise from scientific and artistic cooperation with other universities or with scientific and artistic institutions inside and outside the country.

In order to promote and distribute the publications, the University of Gjakova "Fehmi Agani" 

provides free of charge a copy of each publication:

                        All the professors of the unit where the author comes from, the Rectorate of the 

                        University, the Steering Council, the Deans of the Faculties;

10 copies of the University Library of Gjakova "Fehmi Agani";

3 copies of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology; 

3 copies of the Ministry of Culture, Youth  and Sports; 

3 copies of the University Library of Kosovo 

5 copies of the National Library of Kosovo according to the law in force; 

3 copies of the National Library of Albania;

2 copies of the Library of the Albanological Institute of Prishtina;

2 copies of the Library of the Institute of  History of  Kosovo and

2 copies of the respective Libraries of the faculties of the University of Prishtina

At the request of interested institutions or individuals, with the permission of the Publishing 

Council, the publications of the Publishing House may be provided free of charge.

These publications are stamped "Gift" of the Publishing House of the University of Gjakova "Fehmi Agani".

Decision on the appointment of the Publishing Council of UGJFA

Decision on the establishment of the Commission for drafting the Regulation for the Publishing House of UGJFA

Decision on the establishment of the Publishing House in UGJFA

Regulations for the Publishing House

Application form for the Publishing Council