Memorandums of cooperation
International cooperation bears a large share in the XXI-st century’s teaching and knowing these benefits to both academic staff but also students, some steps in the field of international cooperation are already done.
Cooperation agreements were signed with universities but also Mevlana Exchange Program. Other initiatives are also made to be close to students, such as disclosure of IPKO, USAID, Young Cell Scheme programs.
We started with EUPHORIA, an Erasmus + project that has to do with the interaction of university and business environment where it operates.
From these arrangements we should note that in partnership with the University "Fan S. Noli" in Korça is taking the initiative for a scientific conference, which was held in September 2015.
Following a chronological description of the cooperation agreements:
- Organization "Perspektiva" 20.02.2025
- Memorandum of Understandig ( MoU) Between UFAGJ and SHER , 19.12.2024
- The Catholic University "Lady of Good Counsel" in Tirana 25.11.2024
- Bonevet Foundation Gjakova 18.11.2024
- The City heater Sh.A. Gjakova 14.11.2024
- Regional Water Company Gjakova Sh.A. 14.11.2024
- Regional Waste Company 'QabratiI 14.11.2024
- Employment Agency of the Republic of Kosovo - Employment Office Gjakova 10.06.2024
- Ondokuz Mayis University,Türkíye and University ''Fehmi Agani'' in Gjakova Kososvo 29.10.2024
- Public Diplomacy Section of the U.S. Embassy Pristina And the Faculty of Philology of the University "Fehmi Agani" in Gjakova
- Innovation and Training Park Prizren 10.11.2024
- University of Northern IOWA (UNI) USA 07.05.2024
- Memorandum of Understanding between ICCCM-UFAGJ 17/01/2024
- Albanian Institute of Sociology on 20.11.2023
- U.S. Embassy in Pristina on 14.11.2023
- Zurich University of Teacher Education on 13.11.2023
- Uşak University on 29.09.2023
- Professional School of Health Sciences - Uşak University on 28.09.2023
- "Qirizai" University College, 04.09.2023
- Caritas Switzerland on 03.05.2023
- Food and Veterinary Agency, 20.01.2023
- Bonevet Gjakova Foundation, 28.10.2022
- Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences Deemmed to be University,India, 22.08.2022
- SBASHK, 28.10.2022
- THE SHUKOS/YWP - K1, 5.10.2022
- Polytechnic University of Tirana, 12.10.2022
- U.S. EMBASSY PRISTINA,12.10.2022
- MIT University for staff and student exchange, 22.08.2022
- MIT University(North Macedonia), 22.08.2022
- Onix SPA Resort - Peja Bath, 06.06.2022
- OJQ Lets Do It Peja, 08/06/2022
- Sapienza University of Rome (Italy), 20.01.2022
- Director of Health and Social Welfare, 25.02.2022
- Association of Intellectuals "Jakova" 17.01.2022
- Albanian Academy of Arts and Sciences 02/12/2021
- Teach for Kosova, 02/11/2021
- SH.P.K IEAPP - Kindergarten "Amelia" 02/11/2021
- Mevlana Degisim programi protokolu, 11/10/2021
- "International Slavic University" North Macedonia 23/09/2021
- University " Fan S. Noli" Korçë, 28/09/2021
- Public Diplomacy Section of the U.S. Embassy Pristina 22/09/2021
- CEPS - Center for Bussiness Studies "Univerity College in Kiseljak, Bosnia and Hercegovina, 10/08/2021
- WSG University, on 08.07.2021, (Letter of Agreement)
- College AAB, on 15/06/2021
- Cyprus Science University, on 08/06/2021
- Koszalin University of Technology, Republic of Poland, on 18/05/2021
- SH.P.K.IEAPP - Kindergarten Little Miracles in Gjakova, on 06/04/2021
- University of Economics and Human Sciences Warsaw, on 01/04/2021
- PAR University, Kroaci, on 01/04/2021
- Kosovo Chamber of Nurses, on 10/03/2021
- Armenian Open University, më 18/02/2021
- Caritas Kosova, 16/02/2021
- The Ombudsman Institucion, 12/02/2021
- Kosovo Security Bureau, 09/02/2021
- Post of Kosova, 22/01/2021
- Center for Women's Welfare
- Comsense Kosova, 26/01/2021
- IMK - Skopje, on 02/12/2020
- Bethany Cristian Services - Kosovo, on 30/12/2020
- Chamber of Hotel and Tourism, on 29/12/2020
- Higher Education,Research and Applied Science Plus, on 24/12/2020
- Kosovo Olympic Committe, on 23/12/2020
- Careloop, më 14/12/2020
- Kosovo Red Cross, on 22/12/2020
- University of Applied Sciences in Ferizaj, on 08.12.2020
- Institute of Spiritual and Cultural Heritage of Albanians in Skopje, on 04/12/2020
- "Eqrem Qabej" University of Gjirokastra, on 18/11/2020
- Ministry of Economy and Environment, on 27/10/2020
- University of Shkodra "Luigj Gurakuqi", on 23/10/2020
- Institute for Scientific Research and Development in Ulcinj, on 23/10/2020
- Yeniliçki Adimlar Dernegi (YADER), më 15/10/2020
- Prishtina REA, on 09.07.2020
- OJQ NGO "Safe House" - Gjakova, on 25/06/2020
- Ministrinë Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation, on 02/06/2020
- Diemer SH.P.K., on 27/05/2020
- "Sadik Stavileci" Students and Students Conviction, 08/05/2020
- "Aleksandër Moisiu" University in Durrës, on 10/03/2020
- WSB University in Poland, on 12/03/2020
- FON University, in Skopje, on 06/03/2020
- European University of Tirana UET, on 21/02/2020
- "Polis" University in Tirana, on 20/02/2020
- The Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo, on 31/01/2020
- N.SH. "BBCE" English Studio - "Bedri Berisha Center Of English", on 31/01/2020
- RUSOLIA Travel SH.P.K, on 31/01/2020
- IMPULSE TRANSLATION, on 28/01/2020
- ABC SERVICE SH.P.K, on 31/01/2020
- Association of Tourist Guides of Kosovo - NGO Guidex, on 27/01/2020
- Armend Tours Travel and Tourism SH.P.K, më 31/01/2020
- Sofia Medical University of Bulgaria, on 31/01/2020
- Youth Initiative for Human Rights - Kosovo (YIHR - KS), on 22/01/2020
- Vëllaznimi, on 17/12/2019
- Kosovo Handball Federation, on 16/12/2019
- Public Affairs Section of the U.S Embassy Pristina and Faculty of Philology, on 16/12/2019
- With the Municipality of Gjakova. Peja, Deçan, Junik, Rahovec, Istog, Klina, Malisheva, Tropoja and Has on 20/12/2019
- “HandiKOS Gjakova” on 17/12/2019
- “Medica Kosova” on 06/12/2019
- OTRILA Hospital, on 18/12/2019
- Association of Electronic Libraries of Kosovo on 22/11/2019
- National Library "Pjetër Bogdani", on 22/11/2019
- University of Vlora Ismail Qemajli, on 06/11/2019
- “Institute of Knowledge Management” on 23/10/2019
- “Interpersonnel” on 10/10/2019
- International Business College Mitrovica (IBC - M), on 17/07/2019
- Kutahya Dumlupinar University, Turkey on 01/03/2019
- University of Applied Sciences "Metropolia" Finland on 13.05.2019
- Directorate for Economic Development in Gjakova, on 21/12/2018
- Deutche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (PME/DIMAK) on 01.11.2017
- Albanological Institute-Prishtina on 31.08.2017
- Stichting Europia Values System Study Group nga Hollanda on 31.07.2017
- Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University from Turkey on 07.07.2017
- Kindergarten “ANDRRA” in Gjakova on 28.03.2017
- IEAPP Kindergarten "AGU" in Gjakova on 28.03.2017
- IEAPP “DIELLI” in Gjakova on 28.03.2017 “DIELLI”
- IEAPP “DRIOLA” in Gjakova on 28.03.2017
- Specialized Gynecological Hospital "FATI IM" in Gjakova on 28.03.2017
- European Clinic Hospital in Gjakova on 28.03.2017 “Europian Clinic”
- University of Vlora "Ismail Qemali" on 13.03.2017
- Mother Teresa University in Skopje on 20.12.2016
- University "Haxhi Zeka" in Peja on 03.10.2016
- University of Applied Sciences in Ferizaj on 03.10.2016
- University "Isa Boletini" in Mitrovica on 26.09.2016 “Isa Boletini”
- University of Prizren "Ukshin Hoti" on 21.09.2016
- University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina on 26.09.2016
- MEST and the University of Prishtina "Hasan Prishtina" on 19.05.2016
- University of Elbasan "Aleksander Xhuvani" on 21/12/2015
- University of Turin in Italy on 05/12/2015
- Exchange Agreement with the Mevlana Program on 03/06/2015
- University of Zadar on 03/07/2015
- Amasya University in Turkey on 03/06/2015
- Giresun University in Turkey on 11/06/2015
- University "Fan S. Noli" from Korça on 02/06/2015
- International College of Prizren 29/05/2015
- University "Eçrem Çabej" in Gjirokastra 15/04/2015
- State University of Tetova on 01/04/2015
- University of Mitrovica "Isa Boletini" on 28/01/2015
- Northern Illinois University in the USA on 04/12/2014
- Memorandum of Understanding with the Municipal Library "Ibrahim Rugova" on 20/04/2015
- University of Tirana on 15/04/2014
- Ministry of Health and University Clinical Hospital Service of Kosovo on 14/04/2014
- University of Shkodra "Luigj Gurakuqi" on 11/04/2014