Ethics Council
This code is drafted in accordance with article 163 of the Provisional Status of University of Gjakova “Fehmi Agani” and Ethics Council, the Senate of the University of Gjakova has established the Ethics Council.
The Ethics Council is responsible for conducting disciplinary proceedings that will accompany this Code of Ethics, including the right to hold hearings for any person accused of violating this Code and to propose disciplinary action in cases of violation of this Code.
The Ethics Council's decision must be confirmed in the Senate, respectfully in the Steering Council, depending on legal and statutory powers.
In making its decision, the Ethics Council shall apply the provisions of the Rules of Procedure for Disciplinary Proceedings, the Statute of the University, the provisions of the Labour Law, the Law on Higher Education, and the provisions of applicable laws and regulations.
The Code of Ethics applies to all academic staff employed at the University of Gjakova “Fehmi Agani”, regardless of the form and type of employment contract, the level of appointment and whether the staff member is full-time or part-time.
The members of the Ethics Council are:
Prof. Ass. Dr. Melinda Mula
Prof. Ass. Kamber Zeqiraj
Ass. Vllaznim Mula
Ass. Pranvera Osmani
Ass. Muhamet Kadrija
Decision on the establishment of the Ethics Council
Decisions according to the criteria of the Code of Ethics - Faculty of Education
Decisions according to the criteria of the Code of Ethics - Faculty of Philology