Mission and Vision


University “Fehmi Agani” in Gjakova is committed to create knowledge through contemporary methods of teaching and research, fostering student enthusiasm and promoting academic integrity. The University offers academic and research experiences by collaborating with the community and contributes to the social and economic development of the country and the region, through unique and quality study programs. 


University “Fehmi Agani” in Gjakova is a higher education public institution that through continuous development and transformation offers studies in human and medical sciences, where teaching, learning and scientific research are adopted to socio-econimic needs of the society.


  • Tradition in education, teaching, cultural tradition.  
  • Academic integrity and ethics – guarantees the academic freedom, expression, scientific research.  
  • Transparency and accountability – we build relationships based on transparence, honesty and mutual respect, in teaching learning relationship. 
  • Respects equality between genders, ethnities, as well as treats viewpoints and contribute of all, without distinction.  
  • We take responsibilities for decisions and results, We monitor and review performance to promote improvement at work. 
  • Cooperation and promotion,national and international partnerities. 
  • Orientation towards labour market. 
  • Democracy, key and universal principle. 
  • Modern infrastructure, sufficient and recreative spaces. 
  • UFAGJ is flexible and trustful institution offering harmonized services to improve teaching and learning quality. 


Strategic Objectives Of UFAGJ 2021-2025:

  • Organizational and institutional empowerment, aiming development of neccessary capacities and their offering for implementation of objectives emerging during the implementation of this strategic document. 
  • Quality assurance and academic integrity,  by analyzing and linking programs with the needs of society; 
  • Quality programs, teaching, learning and scientific researches, easily accepted and disctinct from other existing programs. 
  • Internationalization and networking, of university and student structures with other universities in country, region and wider; 
  • Students and partnerity with community, effective and easy services for students, in partnerity with the community; 
  • Contemporary infrastructure and appropriate environment, as a need to fulfill the commitments made by this document and other UFAGJ documents.