Central Administration

These departments, offices and units are organized with the Central Administration:

1. The Department of General Administration
1.1 Staff office
1.2 The office of Information Technology 
1.3. The office of archive and protocol
1.4 Legal office

2. The Department of Budget and Finances and Infrastructure 
2.1. The office of budget and finances
2.2. The office of infrastructure

3. The Procurement Office

4. The office of Quality Assurance;
4.1. Data Protection Office

5. Department of International Cooperation and projects
5.1. The office of International Cooperation
5.2. The office of Project Management 
5.3. The office of Career Development and Alumni;

6. Department of Academic Development and student matters 
6.1. The office of Academic Development
6.2. The office of student services
6.3. Library
