Implementation of the research project "Sustainable Use of Groundwater Resources and Safe Drinking Water in Gjakova Municipality" Begins

Implementation of the research project "Sustainable Use of Groundwater Resources and Safe Drinking Water in Gjakova Municipality" Begins

With funding and support from the US Embassy in Pristina through the program  “University Support Progam” , Gjakova University “Fehmi Agani” is a beneficiary of a project entitled “Sustainable use of underground water resources and sustainable drinking water in the municipality of Gjakova”

This project started from 01.10.2019. and will last until 30.09.2020 under the guidance of Prof. Ass. Dr. Antigona Ukehaxhaj, Professor at the Faculty of Medicine in Gjakova and at the same time Coordinator of the Midwifery Program who has 20 years experience at the National Institute of Public Health in Pristina at the Testing Laboratory Center.

 The activity of this project relates to field sampling and physicochemical, microbiological analysis, heavy metals, trihalomethanes and pesticides in drinking water in rural areas of Gjakova Municipality, then to a conference at the Faculty of Medicine and publication of findings at the International Conference.
