Tutor Students are selected for the summer semester of the academic year 2024/2025
Today on the 31.01.2025, the Head of the Didactic Center for Excellence in Teaching (DCET) Prof, Dr. Sindorela Doli-Kryeziu, accompanied by the Board of this center, Deans and the representatives of the academic units, held a meeting regarding the selection of the Tutor Students for the summer semester of the academic year 2024/2025.
We are already aware that the University ‘’Fehmi Agani’’ in Gjakova, based on the articles 4 and 20 of the Regulation for the Tutorial System, decisions of the Senate with nr.04/1838, of date 17.09.2024 and the decision of the Steering Council of the University, with nr. 05/2361, date 21.11.2024, have announced a competition for the selection of fourteen (14) Tutor Students.
Today was discussed about the selection of the applicant students, wherein selected were students from the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Social Sciences.
The selecting Committee voted to re-announce the competition for the vacant positions.