The University "Fehmi Agani" in Gjakova Certifies Student Tutors

The University "Fehmi Agani" in Gjakova Certifies Student Tutors

The certification ceremony of student tutors at the University “Fehmi Agani” in Gjakova, organized by the Didactic Center for Excellence in Teaching was held today. The coordinator of the Center and at the same time U.D. Dean of the Faculty of Philology, Prof. Dr. Sindorela Doli - Kryeziu, accompanied by the Vice-Rector for Teaching and Student Affairs, Prof. Asst. Dr. Dafina Kaçuri, and the representative of the Council of Trainers, Prof. Asst. Dr. Gentiana Muhaxhiri, thanked the students for their extraordinary commitment.

In her speech, Prof. Ass. Dr. Dafina Kaçuri expressed gratitude for the tireless work of the Didactic Center and tutor students, who have devotedly helped their fellow students.

The coordinator of the Didactic Center, Prof. Dr. Sindorela Doli - Kryeziu said that it is a great pleasure to hear positive comments from students who have benefited from the help of tutors, evaluating this as a proof of the success of their selection. Even Prof. Asst. Dr. Gentiana Muhaxhiri shared good words about the work and dedication of tutor students.

On the other hand, the certified student tutors expressed gratitude for this opportunity, calling it a valuable experience to develop their skills and contribute to the success of their fellow students.

In the coming weeks, the University “Fehmi Agani’’ in Gjakova will open the call to select new tutors for the new academic year to continue this tradition of the University.

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