Rector Prof. Bunjaku Hosts The Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey, Sabri Tunç Angılı. Setting the Stage for Future Collaborations

Rector Prof. Bunjaku Hosts The Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey, Sabri Tunç Angılı. Setting the Stage for Future Collaborations

Rector Prof. Drilon Bunjaku welcomed His Excellency, Ambassador Sabri Tunç Angılı of the Republic of Turkey, along with his delegation. Prof. Bunjaku expressed a warm welcome, stating his deep honor of hosting the distinguished guests in the University of “Fehmi Agani” in Gjakova. The Rector conveyed sincere gratitude for the Ambassador's presence, emphasizing the shared values and commitment to academic excellence between UFAGj and universities and educational institutions in Turkey.

During the meeting, Ambassador Angılı thanked Prof. Bunjaku for the gracious reception and expressed gratitude for the visit. Discussions, attended by Vice–Rector for International Cooperation and Projects Nazli Tyfekci, centered on potential collaborations between Turkish universities and UFAGj, including student and staff exchanges and joint projects.

The meeting also explored UFAGj's vision for academic engagement and its strategic approach to international affairs. Both parties concluded the meeting optimistically, considering it the starting point for active collaboration.

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