Closing meeting of EUFORIA project

Closing meeting of EUFORIA project

On 10 and 11 July, the closing meetings of the EUFORIA (Entrepreneurial Universities for Industry Alliances) project were held, an Erasmus + project whose aim was to improve relations between academia and business. The project was rated as successful by the meetings participants as well as by project leaders.

Buza Rector, after greeting the participants and project leaders, highlighted the benefits that UGJFA benefits from this project as human capacity building on the visits to the European Universities of the consortium partners such as: The University of Applied Sciences in Munich - Germany, Staffordshire University in Great Britain, Nottingham Trent University in the UK, Polytechnic University of Marche in Ancona - Italy and University of Zagreb, as well as the benefits of equipment such as: 4 smart boards, 4 projectors, 4 laptops, 4 office computers, a multifunction printer, a photocopy and a camera. He also assessed and noted the contribution of all UGJFA participants in project.

International Cooperation Officer, Denis Spahija spoke about the agreements signed with local businesses such as: Kinder Garden "AGU", Kinder Garden "Driola", Kinder Garden "Dielli", Private Specialist Hospital "Fati im”, Private Specialist Hospital "Europian Clinic" and the opportunity for practical work of students. In his second presentation, which was entrusted by the University of Zagreb as a partner of the 6th working package, which controls and reports on Internal Quality Assurance and reporting of the project (EUFORIA 561695-EPP-1-2015-1-UK- EPPKA2-CBHE-JP), presented methodology used for quality assurance, findings from visits to project partners but also from evaluations of participants in workshops organized within this project.

In this meeting was promoted the book "From Theory to Practice - Case Studies from Kosovar Companies" the first of its kind in Albanian language. In this review of "Case studies" in the field of education contributed Prof. Ass. Dr. Dardan Koçinaj, M.Sc. Laura Naka, M.Sc. Venera Vala Kënduesi, M.Sc. Nazli Tyfekçi Phd Cand and Ass. Elsa Vula. It is expected that this book will provide a useful tool for university teachers to promote an active learning and understanding of subjects. The use of "Case studies" as a method of teaching and learning is now one of the basic methods used everywhere in the world. We can say that case studies explore a specific problem in a field of study in its current context, a specific occurrence at a particular time and place. This book is one of the most important achievements within the project EUFORIA Erasmus +, a project for capacity building, funded with EU support.

In closing and thanking to all contributors of the project, discussions and ideas for other collaborations of this consortium were discussed.

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