The XVI international conference of IASSR was held
The International Association for Research in Social Sciences - IASSR (www.iassr.org) in cooperation with 12 international universities, among them the University of Gjakova "Fehmi Agani" (UGJFA) and the University of Prizren "Ukshin Hoti" organized the "XVI European Conference on Social and Behavioral Sciences ".
At the opening ceremony the participants welcomed the Rector of UPZ, Prof. Dr. Rame Vataj and on behalf of the Association Prof Dr. Hasan Arslan.
After the brief greeting the main works were presented by the Rector of UGJFA Prof. Dr. Shaban Buza and Prof. Assoc. Engin Demirel from Turkey's Trakia University.
The conference was held on May 10-12, 2018 at the University of Prizren, attended by many researchers around the world to present 147 works received.