HERAS project where UGJFA is a partner did start implementing

HERAS project where UGJFA is a partner did start implementing

On 27 and 28 March 2018, the first meetings for the launch of the international project titled “Promoting International Relations in the Higher Education in Kosovo” under the HERAS program were held.

This project is collaboration between the University of Salzburg for Applied Sciences from Austria and six public universities in Kosovo, the  University "Kadri Zeka" in Gjilan (also the project coordinator), the University of Gjakova "Fehmi Agani", University of Prizren "Ukshin Hoti ", University" Haxhi Zeka "in Peja, University of Mitrovica "Isa Boletini" and University of Applied Sciences in Ferizaj.

The goal of the project is capacity building for international cooperation and project management through the establishment of respective offices in public universities. Within this, it is foreseen to realize the drafting and approval of the regulation for international cooperation and project management, capacity building of staff for drafting the projects and increasing the number of international agreements.

The first day of this meeting was held at the University "Kadri Zeka" University in Gjilan where the Rectors of all public universities presented the work and achievements of the universities that govern and discussed the importance of this cooperation, as well. The hosting Rector Prof. Assoc. Dr. Bajram Kosumi, thanked all members who contributed and worked to win this project.

Rector Prof. Dr. Shaban Buza in his speech for the University of Gjakova, apart from achievements, emphasizes the importance of inter-university and international cooperation in academic processes. He mentioned the ongoing projects at the UGJFA within the Erasmus+ program, CEEPUS and three projects that recently are acquired by the HERAS program.

Also, the representative of the HERAS program, Mrs. Arberesha Meha said that aims of this program is to contribute to the better functioning of Higher Education and Research in Kosovo in line with the principles of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and the European Research Area (ERA) with a long-term objective to support the socio-economic development of the country.

Meanwhile, the second day of the meeting was held at the University of Prizren "Ukshin Hoti", where the main activities were set out to achieve the objectives of the project, including organizing of the workshops, planning study visits of the team members of the project, the mobility opportunities for academic staff and students, and also application opportunities for other projects.

From the University of Gjakova "Fehmi Agani" in these meetings participated the Rector Prof. Dr. Shaban Buza, Vice Rector Prof. Ass. Dr. Mimoza Dushi, from academic staff Ass. Kushtrim Grezda and from administrative staff, officer for international cooperation Mr. Denis Spahija.

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