Rector Nimani commemorates the protests of the Student Movement of October 1, 1997

Rector Nimani commemorates the protests of the Student Movement of October 1, 1997

Rector of the University "Fehmi Agani" in Gjakova, prof. ass. dr. Artan Nimani, recalls the protests of the Student Movement of October 1, 1997:

"On the 1st of October, 1997, the day when silence was broken in Kosovo, fear was defeated, hope returned and it was shown that dignity has no price, thus inciting a movement that mobilized the people in support of resistance to the occupier. Today marks 24 years, when our students and young people, supported by professors and all citizens of Kosovo, no longer endured the daily violence and oppression of the Serbian police, as well as the suppression of every political and national right by the Serbian regime. "Today, 24 years after the protests of the Student Movement of 1997, we remember with pity all those students and teachers who challenged the violence, while today they are not among us."

With respect,

Prof. ass. dr. Artan Nimani

Rector of the University "Fehmi Agani" in Gjakova

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