Call open for ERASMUS+ mobility scholarships in RIGA Technical University in Latvia
The University of Gjakova “FEHMI AGANI” opens the call for application for mobility scholarships for the spring semester at Riga Technical University, Latvia, under the Erasmus + Mobility program of the European Commission.
Check the study courses as well as application deadline and procedure in http://www.fsd.rtu.lv (exchange studies).
Concerning the practical matters of the mobility please be informed about the following:
1) A step by step guide to the application process can be found here: http://fsd.rtu.lv/erasmus-partner-countires/?lang=en
Please note, that you don't have to search for your home University at the start of the application, but apply as a FREE MOVER - this is explained in the application guide.
2) Monthly scholarship is 750 EUR/a month.
3) Duration of the mobility is 1 semester (5 months).
4) Based on the distance calculator of the Erasmus+ program, the European Commission allocates support for travel. For Kosovo it is 275 EUR. We reimburse the travel support after the grantee has arrived based on the factual costs. If the amount exceeds 275 EUR, the grantee has to cover the additional amount him/herself.
5) Students will need to submit transcript, copy of passport, nomination letter from your university (that student is enrolled in university and university is supporting his/her mobility), English proficiency confirmation (IELTS, TOEFL or a confirmation letter from your home university). And then we will consolidate and send you list of applicants or you can pre-select yourselves.
6) Right for applying do have students from English Language and Literature Program who can check the course list:
Please contact the Officer for International Cooperation at UGJFA, Mr. Denis Spahija if any consultancy needed, or if you already did apply send a notification email to [email protected] with documents submitted in application process.
Good luck to all of you!