Meeting of the Steering Council of the University of “Fehmi Agani” is held in Gjakova

Meeting of the Steering Council of the University of “Fehmi Agani” is held in Gjakova

The Steering Council (SC) of the University of “Fehmi Agani” in Gjakova (UFAGJ) held the meeting on Wednesday, where 5 agenda points have been examined.

After the approval of the minutes of the past meeting, the UFAGJ Steering Council reviewed and adopted the agenda point around the briefing for the re-accreditation process.

In this meeting, the decision on the 2021 Student Election proclamations and the work calendar was considered in principle, where it is expected to be adopted at the next meeting, as a result of the Decision of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo, on general and special measures, for the control, prevention and combat of the Covid-19 pandemic.

In the end, requests and complaints to the SC and various points were reviewed.

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