Fehmi Agani University marks World Autism Awareness Day

Fehmi Agani University marks World Autism Awareness Day

In the honor of the 2nd of April - World Autism Awareness Day, students of the Faculty of Education, under the leadership of Ass. Zamira Gashi Shatri, PhD candidate, Prof. Ass. Dr. Venera Vala Këndusi and Prof. Assoc. Dr. Behxhet Gaxhiqi have organized activities for children with autism spectrum disorders.

The event was attended by children with autism, accompanied by family members, their teachers, students and academic staff of UFAGJ, who on the occasion of marking this day have given a common message for more care, love and socialization for all children with autism, who deserve all the support to develop their skills.

The activity was accompanied by an awareness campaign, led by students Gresa Rexhepaj and Blerina Istrefaj, who presented the paper on "Autism speaks" and video recording of autism, conducted with students of the Faculty of Education.

In the end, the organizers of the event thanked the primary schools in Gjakova for the cooperation, with which they agreed that such initiatives should continue and that such organizations should be considered so that all children can be part of society and continuing education. Also, for the cooperation of marking this day thanked the representative of the NGO Bethany Christian Services - Kosovo, Mrs. Hell Gifts.

UFAGJ, as an institution will always support activities of this nature, in order to raise awareness and further educate ourselves as a society about autism and how to deal with it.

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